This article is excerpted from the highly acclaimed Book by Jon Bennett.
Calcium comprises of almost 1.6% of the human body weight. It acts as the human glue that binds the whole body together. Compared to other ions, the calcium ion has the ability to hold on to a single water molecule along with 7 other molecules.
Calcium ion has the right size thus giving them the ability to easily move through human body cells. In the process, the calcium ions take a series of nutrients inside the cells and leave to get more nutrients.
However, according to many scientists, the human body starts exhausting its calcium reserves. Only compounds of mono-ortho-calcium phosphate act as a chemical buffer for the blood and maintain the alkaline level in the blood. Devoid of these compounds there could be high possibilities of the human body giving in to the depletion, thus resulting in instant death.
Therefore, to make sure the body is supplied with sufficient calcium from time to time everyone is expected to consume a specific proportion of calcium. If not, the body would start drawing calcium from the bones and teeth which have 98% and 1% deposits of calcium respectively.
Calcium Deficiency and You
Calcium is an essential nutrient. Over 80 studies demonstrate that the more calcium we consume the more stable and low our blood pressure would be. However, in certain cases, if there is a deficiency of calcium in children, it could induce ADD/ADHD behavior. First signs of calcium deficiency include cramps, irregular stomach movements, painful joints and tingling in the legs and arms. Children suffering from calcium deficiency exhibit, inattentiveness, anger, sleep disturbances and irritability.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD as it’s commonly known as is a common behavioral disorder noticed among children in their preschool years (2 yr old kids). The child doesn’t eat particular type or any type of food and is cranky about his/her eating habits. Moreover, these behavioral disorders might harm the child and give arise to more complexities in the long run.
Furthermore, this self-restricted diet also means the child is deprived of the essential nutrients necessary for growth. Over time, reduction of essential minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium etc gives rise to lower bone density and smaller stature.
A persistent condition of calcium deficiency could lead to a larger negative impact on the health of the child.
Add Calcium to your diet to combat ADD-ADHD…
Children who are sensitive to dairy food products should daily ingest calcium supplementations in liquid, chewable, or capsule form. Calcium supplementation is a must for children and adults involved in sports activities.
Magnesium and calcium deficiencies are common reason for cases of ADHD/ADD among children of all ages. Natural heath-care practitioners very often advise magnesium and calcium supplementation for repressing hyperactivity, as both minerals have a soothing effect on the human body. Reinforcing this practice, a Polish study states that depleted rates calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron and copper levels were the main cause of hyperactivity among children in the 4-13 yr age group in comparison to a health control group. Many other studies have also backed up this study. After administering calcium or magnesium supplements, children had a sound sleep and did not show any signs of sleepiness during the day.
A study by Thiel, Ph.D. (ANMA Monitor 1997:1(9): 5-8) of children and adults suffering from A.D.D. showed that 52% needed calcium, while the rest needed GABA, flax oil and/or B6.
Calcium helps in keeping the nerves active and normal coagulation of blood. Everyone is expected to consume considerable amount of calcium to thwart negative effects of overreactions to stress and prolonged periods of trauma.
According Dr. Robert Barefoots, renowned calcium expert and inventor of Coral Calcium endorses the use of calcium supplements for combating ADHD. According to certain studies healthy people have alkaline body fluids while sick individuals have acidic fluids that are (below normal pH).
Although many people have alkaline, healthy body fluids while they are young, it starts degenerating as they reach their thirties. Low minerals like calcium and magnesium causes our bodies to turn increasingly acidic.
Calcium Consumption
Calcium is absorbed in the body through food items than through calcium supplements. Both young and old are expected to consume no less than 3 calcium rich food products everyday. This can include non-fat or low-fat yogurt, low-fat ice cream, low-fat cottage cheese, low-fat cheese calcium-fortified grapefruit or orange juice, and skim milk.
However, even though many people are consuming calcium, they aren’t getting the amount of calcium needed for keeping the body going. Hence, people who are not able to consume at least 3 calcium-rich food items should consider ingesting calcium supplements.
People should ingest 500 mg calcium supplements every day and the left over 500mg to 700mg should be consumed through food items.
Calcium supplements come in different forms, like calcium citrate and calcium carbonate. According to recent studies, calcium citrate is much more superior compared to calcium carbonate, as the body can absorb it more easily.
As per common belief to benefit from the calcium supplements, both kids and elders are suggested to ingest calcium supplements along with a glass of orange juice.
Our recommended source of calcium = Cal/Mag – Read More Here