Mental Health Watchdog Applauds Vatican’s Investigation Into Psychiatric Drugging…

Mental Health Watchdog Applauds Vatican's Investigation Into Psychiatric Drugging of Children The mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on Human Rights applauds the Vatican for launching an investigation into the harmful effects of prescription psychiatric drugs. The conference brings together professionals to discuss the harmful consequences of overusing psychiatric drugs for treating mental and emotional disorders […]

How Ritalin Affects Brains of Kids With ADHD

FRIDAY, May 31 (HealthDay News) — Ritalin activates specific areas of the brain in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mimicking the brain activity of children without the condition, a new review says. "This suggests that Ritalin does bring the brain [of a child with ADHD] back to the brain the typically developing kid has," said […]

Kids on ADHD meds no more likely to abuse drugs later in life than unmedicated peers:…

Kids on ADHD meds no more likely to abuse drugs later in life than unmedicated peers: studyContrary to popular concern, a new analysis of previous scientific studies found children on drugs like Ritalin and Adderall showed no greater likelihood of abusing alcohol, nicotine and other drugs as adults. #adhd Read more: Kids on ADHD […]

Teachers Take Notes

"All we want is for our children to be happy!" This is the mantra of Donna Bednarczyk, a 25-year veteran teacher in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. Whether she's talking about her own two children or her fifth-grade students at Maire Elementary school, her drive to help all of her kids do well academically and be emotionally […]

Study: Breastfeeding may reduce chances of ADHD

A new study shows that breastfeeding for at least three months may reduce the risk of and even prevent Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The study, appearing in Breastfeeding Medicine, was carried out by an Israeli team on 150 children aged six to 12 years. ADHD is a neurobehavioral disorder characterized by a significant lack of […]

ADHD not a disorder, but a difference in cognition

#ADHD #adhd   Reshared post from +Guy Kawasaki An ADHD student discusses his differences in cognition. Stephen Tonti is a senior at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the president of Carnegie Mellon's film club. In this video he explains what it's like to have ADHD. Hat tip: +Frank Schulz More on ADHD: #HolyKaw View […]

ADHD not a disorder, but a difference in cognition

#ADHD #adhd   Reshared post from +Guy Kawasaki An ADHD student discusses his differences in cognition. Stephen Tonti is a senior at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the president of Carnegie Mellon's film club. In this video he explains what it's like to have ADHD. Hat tip: +Frank Schulz More on ADHD: #HolyKaw View […]

Pseudo versus Real ADD

Just when you were getting comfortable with the thought that you or a loved one might have ADD, here’s something that’s likely to catch you off guard: there is such a thing known as pseudo-ADD, or an Add type illness born out of the society in which we live!   Think about symptoms of ADD […]