I’ve been writing about food I and artificial coloring and its link to ADD ADHD for over nine years.
There’ve been numerous studies suggesting there is a link. It seems obvious that if we put a bunch of garbage into our bodies that there must be some sort of side effects.
The fact that there is even more attention given to this topic means that the evidence must be mounting.
Typically, nothing will actually happen from the FDA’s standpoint because if you die in artificial flavorings and colorings are partially to blame for ADD ADHD than the obvious conclusion is that ADD ADHD is more of a nutritional problem rather than a true medical problem.
And this is not good news for the multi-billion-dollar drug companies who thrive on the current American medical system.
So don’t hold your breath thinking that the FDA will actually regulate this in the name of ADD ADHD.
This is valuable information for those of us trying to lead healthier lifestyles by eliminating all of the possible contributing factors to ADD ADHD symptoms.
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Transcript: [spoiler]
the subject of food dyes, artificial coloring is back in the news along with a mystery that’s been around for a while. is there a connection between certain colors in foods and beverages and hyperactivity or attention deficit behavior? the fda is looking for a link, and then the question becomes, is there enough evidence to ban them or at least require warning labels? here’s nbc’s tom costello.
reporter: 7:00 a.m. in the vann family home, and breakfast is in the blender, bananas, strawberries, orange juice and a muffin on the side. three years ago, when riley was showing signs of adhd, his mom threw out every food containing dyes and artificial coloring.
after a few weeks, i could see the difference in my children’s handwriting, behavior.
reporter: now the government is looking at artificial colors, found in everything from drinks, candies, baked goods, pickles, and mac & cheese. researchers and consumer advocates have long argued there’s a link between the dyes and hyperactivity.
there’s something genetic that is going on. but along come food dyes and they can trigger it in kids.
reporter: since the 1970s, the feingold diet has been all about healthy eating. now there are signs the fda is changing its opinion. the fda has always said there is no evidence of an adhd link, but now says the data suggests the condition may be exacerbated due to exposure to food color in foods. the grocery consumers of america say there is no link. we are also producing the safest possible product for our consumers. now an fda panel will decide whether food dyes are safe enough to remain on america’s store shelves.