Neu-beCALM’d Cassette Tape

Yes, This is the “original” tape put out by Neurogenesis years ago. The sound quality is sketchy, but the material is amazing.  It shows you the power of this little known supplement. More info on neu-beCALM’d Here //

Member’s Only Downloads

In this section you will find Members’ Only Downloads. We will be adding many valuable resources on an ongoing basis.

ADD or Bartonella?

Hey, Just read a very interesting article about Bartonella and Babesia… parasites that mimic ADD-ADHD symptoms.  ANyone can have it and Doctors DO NOT test for it.  You get it from a tick bite. see the full article

Auditory Simulation of ADD-ADHD

This site attempts to simulate how hard it is to pay attention with ADD. …Interesting 🙂 Even thought the site is outdated, there are some really good points. You can see the entire site here….

Visual Simulation of ADD-ADHD

This site attempts to simulate how hard it is to pay attention with ADD. …Interesting 🙂 Even thought the site is outdated, there are some really good points.  You can see the entire site here…. <!– –>