Last week we discussed the role of the Glycemic Index (GI) in maintaining blood sugar at healthy levels. The bottom line of that discussion was that our diets should be filled with foods with a low value on the Glycemic Index as the energy in these foods will take much longer to be released into the bloodstream in the form of glucose. This will prevent our bodies from going on the all too familiar blood sugar rollercoaster that is so effective in messing with our physical and mental states. Maintaining ‘blood sugar equilibrium’ is certainly not only an optional extra for people dealing with ADD/ADHD. It is one of the central weapons in your arsenal when it comes to staying on an even keel mentally and emotionally. The focus of this week’s article will be to give some practical tips on how this equilibrium can be achieved and maintained. Some top tips for doing this are the following:
(Disclaimer: The steps outlined below do not represent a strategy for dealing with diabetes! If you suspect that you may have diabetes you should seek professional medical advice before following any diet or eating tips.)
Avoid Unnecessary Hunger Pangs: Hunger is one of the methods that the body uses to tell us that the level of glucose in our bloodstreams is going down. It is, in many cases, a signal that a drop in the blood sugar level has already occurred. This means that it is best to avoid prolonged and excessive hunger pangs all together. One of the best ways to achieve this is to eat more, not in terms of the amount of food that you consume, but rather in terms of how often you eat. Making a conscious decision to spread ‘eating times’ throughout the day can do wonders for your blood sugar levels. I need to emphasize again that this is not a license to ‘binge eat’! You should still take care to control your overall calorie intake and develop a diet focused on Low-GI foods. The only difference is that you are spreading this intake over a longer period. Remember the formula: Less food, more often! An example of how this can be achieved is to make sure that you eat three meals per day and that you also have a snack one to two hours before the afternoon and evening meals. This should keep your blood sugar levels constant and will also prevent you from overeating during meals.