Even a very brief skim through the articles on this website should make it clear that the approach that I advocate for dealing with ADD/ADHD is very different from what you are likely to hear from many of the so-called experts in the field. I am utterly convinced that many of these experts make grave mistakes at the two opposite ends of attempts to deal with the condition.
These mistakes are:
1) Hasty and sloppy diagnosis. ADD/ADHD seems to be the ‘flavor of the month’ (or decade!) when it comes to diagnosing and dealing with behavioral issues. This means that many medical professionals are ready to diagnose the condition at the slightest prompting. This is obviously highly problematic. There are many other conditions (some of them very serious) that can present in ways that are broadly similar to ADD/ADHD and a wrong diagnosis will therefore mean that these underlying conditions are not being addressed at all. Another major danger associated with hasty diagnoses is the fact that treatment regimes for ADD/ADHD can often be actively harmful. And this brings me to the second common mistake, namely:
2) An unhealthy fixation on chemical ‘solutions’. There is a broad ‘consensus’ that the best, if not the only, way to treat ADD/ADHD is to medicate people with the condition with a range of drugs. The problem is that this ‘consensus’ have been carefully created by major pharmaceutical companies that have everything to gain from sky-high prescription rates of some of their most profitable product lines. This is obviously a dangerous situation because it means that commercial considerations often take precedence over the clinical and psychological needs of patients. What makes it even worse is the fact that many of the drugs that are commonly used to treat ADD/ADHD can be described as highly dangerous. These are drugs that target the most sensitive part of the human body, the brain, with powerful chemicals. The results are not pretty. ADD/ADHD medications have been implicated in a whole range of fallouts from suicide to aggressive behavior, not to mention the fact that many of them are highly addictive.
The approach that we follow here at ‘3 Steps ADD’ is aimed at avoiding the serious mistakes that are so often made at both ends of the process. On the diagnostic end I call attention to the fact that misdiagnosis of ADD/ADHD is a major issue that could have disastrous consequences. By following the ‘3 Steps’ approach you will be introduced to the many ‘false alarm’ ADD/ADHD triggers. These can range from the mundane (not enough sleep) to the almost exotic (tick borne diseases). You will also learn how to avoid being pressured into a hasty ADD/ADHD diagnosis by teachers or medical professionals. This is of vital importance if you really have the best interest of your child (or perhaps yourself, in the case of adult ADD/ADHD) at heart.
When it comes to the treatment side I am a strong advocate of the principle that should underlie all responsible attempts to help and heal: First do no harm. This means that I have spent a lot of my time researching responses to ADD/ADHD that are built on solid scientific evidence and that are as beneficial as possible on many different levels. My recommendations for dealing with the condition are therefore centered on approaches that can be described as natural, responsible, effective and sustainable. I also take a holistic approach that is a world removed from the ‘pop a pill and everything will be better’ school of thought. By following my recommendations you will become familiar with some things that should be actively avoided and some that should become part of your life. I also recognize that ADD/ADHD does not occur in a vacuum and that there are therefore many environmental, educational and social considerations that should be taken into account when dealing with the condition. My methods and advice will help your child (or you) to overcome challenges and to thrive in a range of different environments.
When they are confronted by a challenging situation many people look for a magic switch that will make everything right in an instant. On the face of it this is what the pharmaceutical companies seem to offer with their ‘solutions’ to the challenge of ADD/ADHD. They ‘forget’ to mention about the issues of dependence, decreased effectiveness over time and severe adverse reactions however. The approach that I advocate might be ‘the road less travelled’ (though I trust that it will not remain so for long) but it is a road that promises wholeness and health through responsible lifestyle changes, dietary choices and the application of common sense principles. In the process you will not only get to understand yourself better, you will also make adjustments that can benefit you way beyond the area that you seek to address. It is an exciting adventure to take charge and overcome even insurmountable challenges. Join me in doing so by using ‘3 Steps’!